
A Guest Blog Post by FCS Roofing Software

During the years, many roofing contractors have had continuous growth as a direct result of increasing their business while also providing exceptional customer service offerings.

These successful roofing contractors all understand one thing – to have a steady pipeline full of prospects for their sales team and to increase their service work, they needed to offer free, no-obligation roof system inspections to get potential customers in the door.

Roofing contractors offering free inspections end up getting closer to potential customers faster. They start off the relationship by positioning themselves as advisers, identifying current and future problem areas on roof systems from the start.

Provide Detailed Inspection Reports

Providing a detailed roof system analysis upon completion of a roof system inspection is an effective way to stand out from the competition. An inspection report instantly gives more credibility and also will allow a prospective customer to make informed decisions about roofing work. These reports will provide the condition of the roof system’s membrane, flashings, perimeter edge and fascia, expansion joint covers, pitch pockets and penetrations.

Inspection reports also should indicate the exact locations of recommended repairs in addition to describing and prioritizing the roofing work needed (emergency vs. remedial) with any related costs and photos. These reports also can be used when preparing and submitting requests for warranty repairs.

Offer Ongoing Service Agreements

Inspection reports also should be accompanied with an ongoing roof system maintenance plan recommendation or service agreement that will maximize the capacity and longevity of roof systems.

Consider offering a dedicated service agreement that includes a two-hour emergency arrival time and locked-in rates customers can incorporate into their roof system maintenance budgets.

Get Ready for More Inspections

As the demand for roof system inspections grow, it is important to manage them efficiently and offer an experience that keeps customers happy. Below are some suggestions for becoming more efficient and profitable:

  • Follow up with inspection inquiries as soon as possible. The customer may be requesting a free inspection from multiple roofing companies in the same day.
  • Track free inspection results and how many new customers are produced.
  • Create a template of inspection results that include photos, date stamps and recommendations for each deficiency.
  • Create a service agreement template that outlines the various roof system maintenance options offered.
  • Store and track warranty information.
  • Go paperless by granting customers online access to project management tools that help track job progress, expenses, costs and historical information for budgeting and future reference.
  • Provide automated inspection and service/repair status updates via text or email.



QA_462x267 (002)

In the first step in launching its highly anticipated NRCA ProCertification initiative, NRCA is now accepting applications for Qualified Assessors to serve as performance exam proctors, responsible for evaluating and verifying hands-on skills for those seeking to be certified through NRCA ProCertification.

NRCA ProCertification is designed to create a competent, sustainable and high-performing roofing industry workforce. Experienced roofing workers can demonstrate their skills and knowledge to become certified roof system installers in specific roof system applications and disciplines.

Qualified Assessors are uniquely equipped by meeting eligibility requirements, completing two self-paced online training modules and passing a proctored online exam.

NRCA ProCertification’s Qualified Assessor Program will teach candidates observation and assessment skills and the policies and procedures required to fulfill their roles in the NRCA ProCertification program. This role is ideal for Registered Roof Observers (RROs) and roofing manufacturer and distributor representatives.

Benefits of being a QA include expanding current business offerings by assessing ProCertification candidates; generating additional revenue by charging ProCertification candidates an appropriate fee for conducting their performance exams; gaining access to NRCA ProCertification materials for specific roof system disciplines; and earning a digital badge and professional recognition as being one of the leaders in the roofing industry.

Application materials may be found at


Frye Rooding

NRCA member Frye Roofing Inc., Bluefield, W.Va., recently appeared in the season finale of Mike Rowe’s Returning the Favor, a web-based television series that follows television personality Mike Rowe as he travels across the U.S. in search of people who are giving back to their communities. Each show concludes with those being profiled receiving surprise donations that enable them to continue their charitable works.

Frye Roofing was featured in “Standing With Coal Country,”an episode profiling the Five Loaves & Two Fishes Food Bank Inc. in Welch, W.Va. The Food Pantry serves 15,000 residents in McDowell County, a once thriving coal mining region. With most of the areas coal mines now closed, its remaining residents suffer from high unemployment and poverty.

Two years ago, Frye Roofing bid on a project to replace the Five Loaves & Two Fishes’ Food Bank’s failing roof system. The roof system had deteriorated so severely, the food pantry was in danger of closing.

When the Five Loaves & Two Fishes Food Bank caught the attention of Mike Rowe and his production team, they stepped in and got the job moving.

Frye Roofing donated the labor for the project, and NRCA members ABC Supply Co. Inc. and Carlisle Construction Materials donated materials. All were instrumental in completing what normally would have been a two-week project in just two days and providing the food pantry with a new $80,000 roof system at no charge.